Kathryn had some apples for sale. She sold 30 apples in the morning and 5/9 of the remainder in the afternoon. She sold his apples at $5 for $40. She had 1/6 of the durians left in the end. How many apples did Kathryn have at first and money did she collect in total from the sale of her apples in the morning and afternoon?

30 - 6 = 24/24

24/24 - 9 = 15/24

A) 15/24 = 30
24/24 = 24*30/15
= 48
B) left = 48 * 1/6
= 8
sold = 40
5 durians —> $40
40 “ = 40/5 * $40
= $320

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

1. Let's start with the number of apples Kathryn had at first. Let's call this number "x".

2. She sold 30 apples in the morning. So, the number of apples remaining after the morning sale is "x - 30".

3. She sold 5/9 of the remainder in the afternoon. To find out how many apples she sold in the afternoon, we can calculate (5/9) * (x - 30).

4. The total number of apples she sold is the sum of the apples sold in the morning and afternoon, which is 30 + (5/9)*(x - 30).

5. She sold her apples for $5 each and collected $40 in total. So, the equation can be written as 5 * (30 + (5/9)*(x - 30)) = 40.

Now, let's solve the equation:

5 * (30 + (5/9)*(x - 30)) = 40

150 + (25/9)*(x - 30) = 40

25/9*(x - 30) = 40 - 150

25/9*(x - 30) = -110

Multiply both sides by 9/25 to isolate (x - 30):

x - 30 = (-110)*(9/25)

x - 30 = -990/25

x - 30 = -39.6

Add 30 to both sides:

x = -39.6 + 30

x = -9.6

Since the number of apples cannot be negative, it means there is a mistake in the given information or the problem is unsolvable as it stands.

As for the total money collected, without the correct number of apples and price per apple, we cannot determine the exact amount.


Kathryn had some apples for sale. She sold 30 apples in the morning and 5/9 of the remainder in the afternoon. She sold his apples at $5 for $40. She had 1/6 of the apples left in the end. How many apples did Kathryn have at first and money did she collect in total from the sale of her apples in the morning and afternoon?