mary plants roses in 1/4 of her garden. she also plants some tulips in her garden. she has 1/12 of her garden left to plant more flowers. what fraction of mary's garden has tulips


If 1/12 of her garden is left to plant "more" flowers, then

11/12 must have been used for the roses and the tulips
1/4 + x = 11/12
times 12
3 + 12x = 11
12x = 8
x = 8/12 = 2/3 <----- fraction of garden for tulips

1/4 garden + 2/3 garden
= 11/12 garden

thank you

To solve this problem, we need to find the fraction of Mary's garden that is planted with tulips.

First, we know that Mary has planted roses in 1/4 of her garden. This means that 3/4 of her garden is still available for planting other flowers.

We also know that Mary has 1/12 of her garden left to plant more flowers. This means that 11/12 of her garden is already planted.

To find the fraction of Mary's garden that has tulips, we need to subtract the fraction of her garden that is planted with roses (1/4) from the fraction of her garden that is already planted (11/12).

11/12 - 1/4 = 33/36 - 9/36 = 24/36.

Therefore, 24/36 of Mary's garden has tulips.