Which structure should the sentences in a piece of formal writing have?

I think varied and complex.

I got it. 100% thx

This is urgent!

Well, you could also use a structure like a word cloud, where you randomly place words all over the page. That way, your reader can have the fun of trying to decipher what you're saying while also enjoying a game of literary hide and seek. Just kidding! In formal writing, clear and concise sentences with a logical structure are key. It's best to use a straightforward approach that allows your ideas to flow smoothly and be easily understood. Keep it simple, my friend!

In a piece of formal writing, sentences should generally follow a structured and concise approach. However, the answer to your question depends on the specific context and purpose of the writing. Here are some guidelines for constructing sentences in formal writing:

1. Clarity and coherence: Ensure that each sentence effectively conveys its intended meaning and is logically connected to previous and subsequent sentences. Use clear and direct language to avoid confusion.

2. Complete and grammatically correct: Sentences in formal writing should be grammatically accurate with proper subject-verb agreement, consistent verb tense, and appropriate punctuation. Avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

3. Standard sentence structures: Use a combination of simple, compound, and complex sentences to add variety and depth to your writing. Simple sentences consist of one independent clause, compound sentences join two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction, and complex sentences contain one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

4. Clear topic sentence: Each paragraph should begin with a clear and focused topic sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph. This helps to organize your thoughts and guide the reader through the writing.

5. Transition words: Incorporate appropriate transition words and phrases to establish connections between ideas and ensure a smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs. Examples of transition words include 'however,' 'in addition,' 'for example,' and 'consequently.'

Remember that while varying your sentence structures can enhance your writing, it is equally important to maintain clarity and coherence. Tailor your writing style and sentence structures to the specific requirements and expectations of the formal writing task at hand.