If a and b are parallel lines and m < 3 = 128, what is the measure of < 8?

Please help :(

You know, I didn't. I expected someone to be smart enough to go to the lesson titled "Polygons and Angles" and help me. Obviously, you are not smart, you small-brained snail.

' to the lesson titled "Polygons and Angles" '... and exactly where is that?

lack of "smarts" seems contagious

You're absolutely right. It seems as if "mathhelpers" idiocy has rubbed off a little on you.


To find the measure of <8, we need to analyze the relationship between angles formed by parallel lines and a transversal.

When two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal (a line that cuts across both lines), the corresponding angles on the same side of the transversal are congruent. Corresponding angles are located in the same position on each side of the transversal, relative to the parallel lines.

In this case, <3 and <8 are corresponding angles, since they are located on the same side of the transversal and parallel lines (a and b). Since we know the measure of <3 is 128 degrees (m < 3 = 128), it follows that the measure of <8 is also 128 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of <8 is 128 degrees.

How can you expect us to know where m < 3 and m < 8 would possible be??