how much would andy have to deposit to have $200. he wrote a check for $27.50

200 + 27.50 = _____

To determine how much Andy would have to deposit to have $200, we need to subtract the amount of the check ($27.50) from the desired total ($200).

The equation would be:
Total amount = Check amount + Deposit amount

In this case, we can plug in the given values:
$200 = $27.50 + Deposit amount

Now, to find the deposit amount, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

Subtracting $27.50 from both sides of the equation gives:
$200 - $27.50 = Deposit amount

This simplifies to:
$172.50 = Deposit amount

Therefore, Andy would need to deposit $172.50 to have a total of $200.