5 out of 7 students wear contacts. What fraction of the students wear contacts?

uh ... 5/7

thx, bro I was not trying to fail this assignment.

To find the fraction of students who wear contacts, we need to divide the number of students who wear contacts by the total number of students.

Given that 5 out of 7 students wear contacts, we can write this as a fraction: 5/7.

So, the fraction of students who wear contacts is 5/7.

To determine the fraction of students who wear contacts, we divide the number of students who wear contacts by the total number of students.

In this case, we have been given that 5 out of 7 students wear contacts. To express this as a fraction, we write 5 as the numerator and 7 as the denominator.

Therefore, the fraction of students who wear contacts is 5/7.