Find the model measures, if the scale factor is 1 inch = 2 feet.

Actual Size -
Living Room: 12 ft x 20 ft
Couch: 7 1/2 ft x 4 ft
End table: 30 in x 42 in
Recliner: 36 in x 40 in

My Answers -
Living Room: 6 inches x 10 inches
Couch: 3 3/4 inches x 2 inches
End Table: 1 1/4 inches x 1 3/4 inches
Recliner: 1 1/2 inches x 1 2/3 inches

Are my answers correct?

For the End Table and Recliner, the question already puts the answers in inches. So, I don't understand how you get

End Table: 1 1/4 inches x 1 3/4 inches
Recliner: 1 1/2 inches x 1 2/3 inches

But the question gives the actual size, and I'm supposed to make the model measurements.

Oh, I didn't realize, you are correct on all questions

To find the model measures using the given scale factor, you need to divide the actual size by the scale factor. In this case, the scale factor is 1 inch = 2 feet, which means you need to divide the actual measurements by 24 (2 feet equals 24 inches). Let's calculate the model measures using this method:

Actual Size:
1. Living Room: 12 ft x 20 ft
Divide each measurement by 24:
Living Room: 12 ft / 24 = 0.5 ft and 20 ft / 24 = 0.83 ft
Therefore, the model measure for the living room is 0.5 ft x 0.83 ft.

2. Couch: 7 1/2 ft x 4 ft
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:
7 1/2 ft = 15/2 ft
Divide each measurement by 24:
Couch: (15/2 ft) / 24 = 7.5 ft / 24 = 0.3125 ft
and 4 ft / 24 = 0.1667 ft
Therefore, the model measure for the couch is 0.3125 ft x 0.1667 ft.

3. End Table: 30 in x 42 in
Divide each measurement by 24:
End Table: 30 in / 24 = 1.25 in and 42 in / 24 = 1.75 in
Therefore, the model measure for the end table is 1.25 in x 1.75 in.

4. Recliner: 36 in x 40 in
Divide each measurement by 24:
Recliner: 36 in / 24 = 1.5 in and 40 in / 24 = 1.67 in
Therefore, the model measure for the recliner is 1.5 in x 1.67 in.

Based on these calculations, your answers are not correct. Here are the correct model measures for each item:

Correct Model Measures:
Living Room: 0.5 ft x 0.83 ft
Couch: 0.3125 ft x 0.1667 ft
End Table: 1.25 in x 1.75 in
Recliner: 1.5 in x 1.67 in

Please note that when converting measurements to fractions, it's generally recommended to simplify the fraction if possible.