which statement best describes the relationship between the republican congress and president andrew jackson during reconstruction

a. they worked well togetherand passed the civil rights act of 1866
b. they pushed for one political party in the south
c. they did not understand the role of surpreme court
d. they did not share the same goals on reconstruction
please i need help

D - they did not share the same goals on reconstruction

The correct answer is D. They did not share the same goals on reconstruction. This statement best describes the relationship between the Republican Congress and President Andrew Jackson during reconstruction.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option and eliminate the incorrect ones:

a. They worked well together and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866:
This option is incorrect because Reconstruction took place from 1865 to 1877, and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 was actually passed prior to Reconstruction. Additionally, Andrew Johnson, not Andrew Jackson, was the president at the time when this act was passed.

b. They pushed for one political party in the South:
This option is also incorrect as it does not accurately describe the relationship between the Republican Congress and President Andrew Jackson during Reconstruction. The issue of political parties in the South was not a central focus of their relationship during this period.

c. They did not understand the role of the Supreme Court:
This option is unlikely to be the correct answer as it does not directly address the relationship between the Republican Congress and President Andrew Jackson during Reconstruction. Additionally, it is important to note that Andrew Jackson served as the president from 1829 to 1837, far before the Reconstruction era.

d. They did not share the same goals on Reconstruction:
This option is the most accurate statement describing the relationship between the Republican Congress and President Andrew Johnson during the Reconstruction period. President Johnson, a Democrat, had different views on Reconstruction compared to the Republican-controlled Congress. Johnson favored a more lenient approach towards the former Confederate states, while Republicans sought to secure civil rights for newly freed slaves and implement a stricter reconstruction policy.

So, the correct answer is d. They did not share the same goals on Reconstruction.