Real measures are both in feet and in inches. PLEASE NOTE*

1. Take these REAL measures:
Living Room: 12 ft x 20 ft
Couch: 7 1/2 ft x 4 ft
End table: 30 in x 42 in
Recliner: 36 in x 40 in
2. Apply the scale factor of 1 inch in our drawing will represent 2 ft in real life.
3. Convert each measure using the 1in/2ft scale factor.

No decimal answers, put your model measures in simplified mixed numbers if they are not whole numbers.

Living Room: 6 inches x 10 inches
Couch: 3 3/4 inches x 2 inches
End Table: 1 1/4 inches x 1 1/2 inches
Recliner: 1 1/2 inches x 1 1/3 inches

Are these correct?

once is enough - see you previous post.

The end table and recliner are wrong

End Table: 1 1/4 inches x 1 3/4 inches

Recliner: 1 1/2 inches x 1 2/3 inches

Are these correct then?