Determine whether angles with measures 47 degrees and 53 degrees are complementary. Explain why or why not.

complementary angles sum to 90°, so ...

To determine whether angles with measures 47 degrees and 53 degrees are complementary, we need to know the definition of complementary angles.

Complementary angles are a pair of angles that add up to 90 degrees.

Let's add the measures of the angles 47 degrees and 53 degrees:

47 degrees + 53 degrees = 100 degrees

Since the sum of angles 47 degrees and 53 degrees is greater than 90 degrees, it means that these angles are not complementary.

Therefore, angles with measures 47 degrees and 53 degrees are not complementary.

To determine whether angles with measures 47 degrees and 53 degrees are complementary, we need to understand the concept of complementary angles.

Complementary angles are two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees. If the sum of the measures of two angles is 90 degrees, then we can say that the angles are complementary.

Now, let's find out if the angles with measures 47 degrees and 53 degrees are complementary by adding their measures:

47 degrees + 53 degrees = 100 degrees

Since the sum of the measures of the angles is 100 degrees, and not 90 degrees, we can conclude that these angles are not complementary.