List at least 2 similarities between Egyptian law and Mesopotamian law ( it does not need to be in sentence form!)

To find at least two similarities between Egyptian law and Mesopotamian law, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Research Egyptian law and Mesopotamian law
- Look for reliable sources such as books, academic journals, or reputable websites that provide information on these ancient legal systems.

Step 2: Identify common features in the legal systems
- Look for similarities in the laws, legal procedures, or principles that are found in both Egyptian and Mesopotamian legal systems.

Based on historical research, here are two common features found in both Egyptian law and Mesopotamian law:

1. Written Legal Codes: Both civilizations had written legal codes that served as the foundation of their legal systems. In Mesopotamia, the most famous legal code is the Code of Hammurabi, while in Egypt, the most prominent legal code is the Book of the Dead. These codes provided guidelines, rules, and punishments for various offenses.

2. Punitive Justice: Both legal systems focused on punishment for crimes committed. They shared similarities in the types of punishments, such as fines, restitution, physical punishments like flogging, or even death penalty for severe offenses. The goal of both legal systems was to maintain order and deter individuals from committing crimes.

Please note that there may be additional similarities between Egyptian law and Mesopotamian law, and further research may yield more details and examples.