minnie is painting her walk in closet. Each gallon covers 275 square feet. The floor is 9ft wide and 7ft long. The roof is 8ft high. How many gallons of paint would she need to cover her closet with to coats of paint.

do the floor and ceiling get painted?

And that is "two coats"
You have
two walls 9*8
two walls 7*8
floor and ceiling 9*7
add up the areas you want to paint, and then
multiply the area by the number of coats
gallons used = area*coats/275

To calculate the total area of the walk-in closet, we need to consider the floor and the four walls (excluding the roof, as it is not mentioned that it needs to be painted).

1. Calculate the area of the floor:
Area of the floor = length × width
Area of the floor = 9ft × 7ft = 63 square feet

2. Calculate the area of each wall:
Since the walk-in closet has four walls, we need to calculate the area of each wall separately.

For the first wall, the height is 8ft and the width is 9ft:
Area of first wall = height × width
Area of first wall = 8ft × 9ft = 72 square feet

For the second wall, the height is 8ft and the width is 9ft:
Area of second wall = height × width
Area of second wall = 8ft × 9ft = 72 square feet

For the third wall, the height is 8ft and the width is 7ft:
Area of third wall = height × width
Area of third wall = 8ft × 7ft = 56 square feet

For the fourth wall, the height is 8ft and the width is 7ft:
Area of fourth wall = height × width
Area of fourth wall = 8ft × 7ft = 56 square feet

3. Calculate the total area of the walls:
Total area of the walls = Area of first wall + Area of second wall + Area of third wall + Area of fourth wall
Total area of the walls = 72 square feet + 72 square feet + 56 square feet + 56 square feet = 256 square feet

4. Calculate the total area that needs to be painted:
Total area = Area of floor + Total area of walls
Total area = 63 square feet + 256 square feet = 319 square feet

5. Calculate the number of gallons needed:
Each gallon covers 275 square feet.
Number of gallons needed = Total area ÷ Coverage per gallon
Number of gallons needed = 319 square feet ÷ 275 square feet/gallon ≈ 1.16 gallons

Therefore, Minnie would need approximately 1.16 gallons of paint to cover her walk-in closet with two coats of paint.

To calculate the total gallons of paint Minnie would need to cover her walk-in closet with two coats of paint, we first need to find the total surface area of the walls and ceiling.

1. Calculate the area of the walls:
- The width of the walls is the same as the width of the floor, which is 9 feet.
- The length of the walls is found by multiplying the sum of the lengths of the floor and the roof: 7 feet + 7 feet + 8 feet (for two long walls and one short wall).
- The total area of the walls can be calculated by multiplying the width by the length of the walls.

Area of the walls = 9 feet * (7 feet + 7 feet + 8 feet) = 9 feet * 22 feet = 198 square feet.

2. Calculate the area of the ceiling:
- The area of the ceiling is equal to the length of the floor multiplied by the width of the floor.

Area of the ceiling = 7 feet * 9 feet = 63 square feet.

3. Calculate the total surface area:
- To determine the total area to be painted, we add the area of the walls and the area of the ceiling.

Total surface area = Area of the walls + Area of the ceiling = 198 square feet + 63 square feet = 261 square feet.

4. Calculate the gallons of paint needed:
- Given that one gallon covers 275 square feet, we can divide the total surface area by the coverage area of one gallon of paint.

Gallons of paint needed = Total surface area / Coverage area of one gallon of paint = 261 square feet / 275 square feet = 0.95 gallons (rounded to the nearest gallon).

Therefore, Minnie would need approximately 0.95 gallons of paint to cover her walk-in closet with two coats of paint.