A car and a train are traveling with the same velocity. Do the two objects have the same momentum?

Nah man,

A car being heavier than a train would have more mass (weight) and thus require more energy to start or stop.

No, the car and the train may have the same velocity, but they will not have the same momentum. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. Since the car and the train have different masses, their momenta will be different even if their velocities are the same.

To determine if two objects have the same momentum, we need to compare their masses and velocities. The momentum of an object is given by the formula:

Momentum = Mass × Velocity

If the car and the train are traveling with the same velocity, then the factor that determines their momentum would be their masses.

To find out if the car and train have the same momentum, we would need to know their respective masses. The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter it contains.

Once you have the masses of both the car and the train, you can calculate their momenta using the given formula. If the products of their masses and velocities are equal, then the car and train have the same momentum. If not, they would have different momenta.