Identify the expression which represents the calculation "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2."

A) (2 x 8) + 7
B) 8 + (7 x 2)
C) 2 + (8 x 7)
D) 2 x (8 + 7)

so, which choice does the addition first? Think PEMDAS


Actually, the problem says "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2", so we should add 8 and 7 first, and only then multiply by 2. So the correct expression is:

(8 + 7) x 2

which simplifies to:

15 x 2

and the final answer is:


To solve this calculation, we need to follow the given sequence of operations: add 8 and 7, then multiply the sum by 2.

The expression that represents this calculation is option D) 2 x (8 + 7).

This expression means that we have to first add 8 and 7 inside the parentheses, which gives us 15. Then, we multiply this sum by 2. So, the final calculation is 2 x 15.