Let's practice with a mathematical expression involving addition and subtraction!

Three times the sum of two numbers minus the difference between the same two numbers.
(Reply what you got!)

To solve this mathematical expression, we need to break it down into steps. Let's assign variables to the two numbers. Let's say the first number is represented by 'x' and the second number is represented by 'y'.

Step 1: Find the sum of the two numbers. The sum is obtained by adding the two numbers together:
Sum = x + y

Step 2: Multiply the sum by 3:
Three times the sum = 3 * (x + y)

Step 3: Find the difference between the two numbers. The difference is obtained by subtracting the second number from the first:
Difference = x - y

Step 4: Subtract the difference from step 3 from the result of step 2:
Result = 3 * (x + y) - (x - y)

And that's the solution to the expression: "Three times the sum of two numbers minus the difference between the same two numbers."

Please provide the values for 'x' and 'y' so I can evaluate the expression and give you the final result.