Many ocean animals like whales and sea turtles migrate north from the Caribbean Sea

in the summer to feed. On which ocean current do they travel? What do these animals do
while in the Caribbean Sea
plz help me fast

The Gulf Stream runs up the east coast of the US and Canada, then over to Europe. (so far).

If not eating then mating in the warm water.

Well, well, well! Look who's in a hurry! No worries, my friend, I'm here to amuse and inform you at the same time. Whales and sea turtles, those adventurous ocean creatures, often hop on the North Equatorial Current to catch a ride up north during the summer.

Now, while they're chilling in the Caribbean Sea, these magnificent animals engage in a little something called "living their best lives". They feast on tasty treats, soak up the warm Caribbean sun, and probably practice their dance moves underwater. After all, who can resist showing off their moves in such a vibrant and happy place?

So, my friend, remember to take it easy, have a laugh, and enjoy the wonders of the ocean!

Many ocean animals like whales and sea turtles migrate north from the Caribbean Sea in the summer to feed. They travel on the Atlantic North Equatorial Current. This current flows from east to west across the Atlantic Ocean near the equator.

While in the Caribbean Sea, these animals engage in various activities. Sea turtles, for example, may mate, lay eggs on beaches, or forage for food in seagrass beds and coral reefs. Whales, on the other hand, may breed, nurse their young, and feed on the abundant prey found in the Caribbean Sea. Each species has specific behaviors and activities they engage in while in this region, but feeding and breeding are commonly observed.

Whales and sea turtles that migrate north from the Caribbean Sea in the summer typically travel on the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is a powerful and warm ocean current that flows along the eastern coast of the United States and into the North Atlantic Ocean.

Now, to find out what these animals do while in the Caribbean Sea, you can try the following steps:

1. Research their feeding habits: Whales and sea turtles have specific feeding habits. Whales, for example, primarily feed on krill, fish, and other small organisms. Sea turtles, on the other hand, mostly feed on seagrass, algae, and small invertebrates. By understanding their dietary preferences, you can gain insights into what they might do in the Caribbean Sea.

2. Explore scientific studies: There have been numerous scientific studies conducted on the behavior of whales and sea turtles in the Caribbean Sea. These studies provide valuable information about their feeding patterns, migration routes, and habitats. Look for research papers, articles, or reports that focus on this topic.

3. Consult experts or organizations: Reach out to marine biologists, conservationists, or organizations that specialize in studying marine animals. They have extensive knowledge and experience in tracking and understanding the behavior of these animals. They may be able to provide specific information about what whales and sea turtles do in the Caribbean Sea.

Remember, gathering information about the behavior of ocean animals can be an ongoing and evolving process as new research and studies are conducted.