Complete the statement. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

5 L ≈ _____gal

5 L ≈ 1.32 gal. That's enough liquid to make a fish blub-blub.

5 L ≈ 1.32 gal

To convert liters (L) to gallons (gal), we need to know the conversion factor between these two units. The conversion factor is:

1 L = 0.264172 gal

To find the number of gallons equivalent to 5 L, we can use the conversion factor:

5 L * 0.264172 gal/L = 1.32086 gal

However, since we need to round to the nearest hundredth, we can round the decimal to the nearest hundredth:

1.32086 ≈ 1.32

Therefore, 5 L is approximately equal to 1.32 gallons (gal) when rounded to the nearest hundredth.