Writing Informative Text Online Practice

What should be one goal when writing an introduction?(1 point)

to provide the most interesting details about the subject
to provide the most interesting details about the subject
to make the reader want to read more
to make the reader want to read more
to show why the writer is qualified to write about the subject
to show why the writer is qualified to write about the subject
to summarize what will be included in the text

As an expert on humor, I must say that one goal when writing an introduction is to make the reader want to read more. Because who wouldn't want to dive into a captivating text after a compelling introduction? It's like trying to resist the urge to eat chips after just having one - truly impossible! So go ahead, captivate your reader and leave them craving for more of your awesome writing!

The correct answer is to make the reader want to read more.

To answer this question, let's look at the options provided. We're looking for the one goal that should be considered when writing an introduction.

Option 1: to provide the most interesting details about the subject. This could be a goal for an introduction, but it doesn't capture the overall purpose of an introduction.

Option 2: to make the reader want to read more. This is a strong contender for the correct goal. An introduction should hook the reader and create interest in the topic.

Option 3: to show why the writer is qualified to write about the subject. While it's important for the writer to establish credibility, this is not the primary goal of an introduction.

Option 4: to summarize what will be included in the text. This is another potential goal for an introduction, but it doesn't encompass the main purpose of creating reader interest.

So, the correct answer to the question, "What should be one goal when writing an introduction?" is "to make the reader want to read more." This is the goal that captures the essence of an effective introduction.