As he looked all about him and pondered the mystic gloom, he began to believe that at any moment the ominous distance might be aflame.. Staring once at the red eyes across the river, he conceived them to be growing larger, as orbs of a row of dragons advancing.

The description best supports which of the following central ideas?
A) Honor and courage
B) The definition of courage
C) Growing from a boy into a man
D) The insignificance

Read the following description from The Red Badge of Courage

There loomed the dogging memory of the tattered soldier-he who, gored by bullets ..had been deserted in the field

The description best supports which of the following central ideas?
A) Honor and courage
B) The definition of courage
C) Growing from a boy into a man
D) The insignificance

I'll check your answers if you list them.

The description in the first paragraph best supports the central idea of D) The insignificance. The protagonist's fear and belief that the ominous distance might be aflame and the growing red eyes across the river represent a sense of insignificance in the face of a potentially overwhelming and dangerous world.

The description in the second paragraph best supports the central idea of A) Honor and courage. The mention of the tattered soldier who was deserted in the field implies a lack of honor and courage in the face of danger and adversity.

To determine the central idea supported by the given descriptions, we need to carefully analyze the details provided. Let's take a closer look at each description:

1) "As he looked all about him and pondered the mystic gloom, he began to believe that at any moment the ominous distance might be aflame.. Staring once at the red eyes across the river, he conceived them to be growing larger, as orbs of a row of dragons advancing."

This description seems to focus on the feelings of apprehension and the sense of impending danger that the character experiences. The mention of "ominous distance," "mystic gloom," and the comparison of the red eyes to "orbs of a row of dragons advancing" create a tense and foreboding atmosphere.

Given this, the central idea supported by this description is likely D) The insignificance. The character perceives their own insignificance and vulnerability in the face of the dangerous and unknown forces surrounding them.

2) "There loomed the dogging memory of the tattered soldier-he who, gored by bullets ..had been deserted in the field."

This description mentions the lingering memory of a tattered soldier who was wounded by bullets and left behind in the field. It highlights the abandonment and mistreatment that the soldier experienced.

The central idea most strongly supported by this description is A) Honor and courage. The mention of the soldier's suffering, despite the betrayal and desertion he faced, underscores the idea of honoring one's duty and the courage it takes to endure such hardships.

In conclusion, the central idea supported by the first description is D) The insignificance, and the central idea supported by the second description is A) Honor and courage.