Wezi had 40 oranges and he sold 3/4 of them.How many oranges did he sell?

3/4 * 40 = ____

To find out how many oranges Wezi sold, you need to calculate 3/4 of the total number of oranges he had.

Step 1: Calculate 3/4 of 40
To calculate 3/4 of 40, you multiply 40 by 3/4.
So, (40) x (3/4) = (120/4) = 30.

Therefore, Wezi sold 30 oranges.

To find out how many oranges Wezi sold, we can calculate 3/4 of the total number of oranges he had.

Step 1: Multiply the total number of oranges by the fraction 3/4:
40 * 3/4 = 120/4 = 30

Therefore, Wezi sold 30 oranges.