A detailed, 3D illustration of geometric concepts in a math problem involving a plane and a line. The plane should be large and flat, color-coded in a soft pastel shade. This plane (Plane P) is represented by the equation -2x-2y-z = -11. Similarly, depict a line (Line L) defined by the equations x = -3-4t, y = -2-3t, z = -6-4t. This line is clearly visible, cutting across the plane. On this line, depict two distinct points (Q1 and Q2) marked by bright, contrasting colors. These points should be visibly placed at a distance of 3 units from Plane P. Both Q1 and Q2 are at the coordinates (0, 0, 0). Please ensure no text is present in the image.

Consider the plane P with equation −2x−2y−z = −11 and line L with equations

x = −3−4t
y = −2−3t
z = −6−4t
Find two distinct points Q1 and Q2 on the line L at distance 3 to the plane P.

Q1 = (0, 0, 0)

Q2 = (0, 0, 0)

Let Q be a general point on the line

Q is (-3-4t, -2-3t, -6-4t)
Plane : -2x -2y -z + 11 = 0

Using the distance from a point to a plane formula
| -2(-3-4t) - 2(-2-3t) - (-6-4t) + 11|/ √(4+4+1) = 3
± (6 + 8t + 4 + 6t + 6 + 4t + 11)/3 = 3
using the positive
18t + 27 = 9
18t = -18
t = -1
then Q is (-3+4, -2+3, -6+4) ,

Q1 is (1, 1, -2)

using the negative result from above:
-(6 + 8t + 4 + 6t + 6 + 4t + 11)/3 = 3
-18t - 27 = 9
-18t = 36
t = -2

Q2 is (-3+8, -2+6, -6+8)

= Q2(5, 4, 2)

midpoint of Q1Q2 = (3, 5/2, 0) , this point should lie on our plane
LS = -2(3) -2(5/2) - (0)
= -6 -5 - 0 = -11
RS = -11

looks good!

It seems like I made a mistake, and Q1 and Q2 are actually the same point, the origin (0, 0, 0). I apologize for the confusion. Let me try again.

To find two distinct points on the line L that are at a distance of 3 from the plane P, we need to consider the normal vector of the plane.

The normal vector of the plane P is (-2, -2, -1).
Let's calculate the distance between a point (x, y, z) on the line L and the plane P using the distance formula:

distance = |(-2x - 2y - z + 11) / sqrt((-2)^2 + (-2)^2 + (-1)^2)|

Substituting the equations of the line L into the distance formula, we get:

distance = |(-2(-3-4t) - 2(-2-3t) - (-6-4t) + 11) / sqrt(9 + 9 + 1)|

Simplifying this expression, we have:

distance = |(6 + 8t + 4 + 6t + 6 + 4t + 11)| / sqrt(19)

Now we need to solve the equation distance = 3. However, for this specific plane and line, it turns out that there are no distinct points Q1 and Q2 on the line L at a distance of 3 from the plane P.

Looks like it's a "no-Q1-and-Q2" situation. Keep in mind that this is a mathematical result and not a joke.

To find two distinct points Q1 and Q2 on the line L that are at a distance of 3 units from the plane P, we can set up the equation of the line L and use the distance formula between a point and a plane.

Given: Plane P with equation −2x − 2y − z = −11 and line L with equations:
x = −3 − 4t
y = −2 − 3t
z = −6 − 4t

1. Substitute the equations of the line L into the equation of the plane P to find the value of "t" at the intersection point(s) between the line and the plane:
-2(−3 − 4t) − 2(−2 − 3t) − (−6 − 4t) = −11

Simplify the equation:
6 + 8t + 4 − 6t + 6 + 4t + 6 + 4t = -11
20t + 22 = -11

Solve for "t":
20t = -33
t = -33/20

2. Substitute the value of "t" back into the equations of the line to find the coordinates of the intersection point(s) Q1 and Q2:
x = −3 − 4(-33/20) = -3 + (132/20) = -3 + 33/5 = -12/5
y = −2 − 3(-33/20) = -2 + (99/20) = -2 + 99/20 = -1/20
z = −6 − 4(-33/20) = -6 + (132/20) = -6 + 33/5 = -12/5

Therefore, Q1: (-12/5, -1/20, -12/5)

Q2 can be found by substituting t = -33/20 into the equations of the line:
x = −3 − 4(-33/20) = -3 + (132/20) = -3 + 33/5 = -12/5
y = −2 − 3(-33/20) = -2 + (99/20) = -2 + 99/20 = -1/20
z = −6 − 4(-33/20) = -6 + (132/20) = -6 + 33/5 = -12/5

Therefore, Q2: (-12/5, -1/20, -12/5)

So, the two distinct points on the line L at a distance of 3 units from the plane P are:
Q1 = (-12/5, -1/20, -12/5)
Q2 = (-12/5, -1/20, -12/5)

To find two distinct points Q1 and Q2 on the line L at a distance of 3 from the plane P, we need to find two values of t for which the point (x, y, z) on the line L is 3 units away from the plane P.

First, let's find the equation of the plane P in the form ax + by + cz + d = 0. Given that the equation of the plane is −2x − 2y − z = −11, we can rewrite it as −2x − 2y − z + 11 = 0.

The distance between a point (x, y, z) and a plane ax + by + cz + d = 0 is given by the formula:
distance = |ax + by + cz + d| / sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)

Substituting the values from the equation of plane P, we have:
distance = |-2x - 2y - z + 11| / sqrt((-2)^2 + (-2)^2 + (-1)^2)
= |-2x - 2y - z + 11| / sqrt(4 + 4 + 1)
= |-2x - 2y - z + 11| / sqrt(9)
= |-2x - 2y - z + 11| / 3

Now let's substitute the parametric equations of line L into the formula for distance to the plane P:
|-2(-3 - 4t) - 2(-2 - 3t) - (-6 - 4t) + 11| / 3 = 3

Simplifying the expression:
|6 + 8t + 4 + 6t + 6 + 4t + 11| / 3 = 3
|18t + 27| / 3 = 3
|6t + 9| = 3

Now we can solve this equation to find the values of t that satisfy it:
6t + 9 = 3 or 6t + 9 = -3

Solving the first equation:
6t = -6
t = -1

Solving the second equation:
6t = -12
t = -2

So, we have two distinct points on line L at a distance of 3 from plane P when t = -1 and t = -2.

Using the parametric equations of line L, we can find the corresponding points as follows:

When t = -1:
x = -3 - 4(-1) = -3 + 4 = 1
y = -2 - 3(-1) = -2 + 3 = 1
z = -6 - 4(-1) = -6 + 4 = -2

Therefore, Q1 = (1, 1, -2).

When t = -2:
x = -3 - 4(-2) = -3 + 8 = 5
y = -2 - 3(-2) = -2 + 6 = 4
z = -6 - 4(-2) = -6 + 8 = 2

Therefore, Q2 = (5, 4, 2).

So, the two distinct points Q1 and Q2 on line L at a distance of 3 from plane P are Q1 = (1, 1, -2) and Q2 = (5, 4, 2).