Who is the narrator of “Aguinaldo”?

why does Marilia not want to go to the nursing home?
Select the words that are incorrectly used in the following sentences. Select three choices.

Ellie’s new house are much bigger than her old one was. She did not like looking at houses, because she liked where she used to live. Her parents smiles every time they drive past the new house, but Ellie frown because she thinks it is not as nice.
Select which vocabulary word best completes this sentence.
The cards were
all over the floor.
Choose the two-syllable words that have one open syllable. Select the two correct choices.

It was doubtful that the honest plumber would resign. He wanted a moment to consider.

Who is the narrator of “Aguinaldo”?

I think Steve Harmon, but that should be easy to tell through reading the book.

Ellie’s new house ARE much bigger than her old one was. She did not like looking at houses, because she liked where she used to live. Her parents SMILES every time they drive past the new house, but Ellie FROWN because she thinks it is not as nice. (I think, my vocabulary went buh-bye a few hours ago).

I can't see the dropdown menu, sorry. Perhaps show the options?

I was never taught the last one. Thanks, Montessori.

Remember that you should submit your own work, though, this is more to check your answers.

I think Marilia

To find the narrator of the story "Aguinaldo," you would need to read the story itself or find a reliable source that provides this information. The narrator is usually the person or entity through whose perspective the story is told. It is not possible for me as an AI bot to provide the answer without access to the specific story or a reliable source.

As for why Marilia does not want to go to the nursing home, you would need to refer to the context of the story or any given information regarding her character or motivations. This information may not be readily available without reading the story or finding a reliable analysis or summary of the story.

Regarding the sentence "Ellie’s new house are much bigger than her old one was," the word "are" should be corrected to "is" to match the singular subject "house." The correct sentence would be "Ellie's new house is much bigger than her old one was."

The sentence "Her parents smiles every time they drive past the new house, but Ellie frown because she thinks it is not as nice" has two incorrectly used words. "Smiles" should be corrected to "smile" to match the plural subject "parents." "Frown" should be corrected to "frowns" to match the singular subject "Ellie." The corrected sentence would be "Her parents smile every time they drive past the new house, but Ellie frowns because she thinks it is not as nice."

To complete the sentence "The cards were," the correct choice would be "all over the floor."

The two-syllable words with one open syllable from the given choices are "doubtful" and "plumber."