In a chemical reaction, the forward rate is greater than the reverse rate. Which statement about the reaction is correct?

The reaction is reversible.

The reaction will continue until the reactant is used up.

The concentrations of the reactant and the product are equal.

The reaction is at dynamic equilibrium.

The reaction is reversible is correct! @DrBob222 is also correct

Biscuit is right

The correct statement about the reaction is: "The reaction is at dynamic equilibrium."

To determine this, one needs to understand the concept of dynamic equilibrium in a chemical reaction and how it is related to the rates of the forward and reverse reactions.

Dynamic equilibrium occurs in a reversible reaction when the forward rate is equal to the reverse rate. At this point, the concentrations of reactants and products reach a constant state, meaning they are not changing over time. However, it's crucial to note that the concentrations of the reactant and product may not necessarily be equal at dynamic equilibrium.

In the scenario you described, where the forward rate is greater than the reverse rate, it means that more product is being formed than reactant is being converted back to the original substance. This indicates that the reaction is still proceeding towards the formation of more products. Therefore, the reaction has not yet reached dynamic equilibrium.

To summarize, the statement "The reaction is at dynamic equilibrium" is incorrect because, in the given scenario, the forward rate is greater than the reverse rate.