A supply room has enough couplings to last a crew of 30 electricians for 120 days and enough connectors for 75 days. How many days would this supply of couplings last a crew of 90 electricians

3 times the people, so it will last 1/3 as long


I got 40 as the answer

How did you get 40

To answer this question, we can use the concept of proportionality.

First, let's calculate the daily consumption of couplings for a crew of 30 electricians:
Couplings consumption rate = 120 days

Next, we can calculate the couplings consumption rate for a crew of 90 electricians:
Couplings consumption rate for 90 electricians = Couplings consumption rate for 30 electricians x (Number of electricians for 90 electricians / Number of electricians for 30 electricians)
= 120 days x (90 / 30)
= 120 days x 3
= 360 days

Therefore, this supply of couplings would last a crew of 90 electricians for 360 days.