Which of the following was a viewpoint of the Federalists after the Constitutional Convention?

A. They did not want the Constitution to be immediately ratified by states.
B.They did not want the Constitution to be immediately ratified by states.
C.They wanted states to have more power than the national government.
D.They wanted increased power of the national government under the Constitution. i think is b am i right

pls anyone help


Based on the options provided, it seems like there is duplicate information for option B. However, option D is the one that accurately reflects the viewpoint of the Federalists after the Constitutional Convention.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the perspective of the Federalists, who were the proponents of the ratification of the Constitution. They believed in a stronger centralized government, arguing that a powerful national government was necessary for the stability and success of the newly-formed United States. This viewpoint is reflected in option D, which states that the Federalists wanted increased power of the national government under the Constitution. Thus, the correct answer is D.