Which of the following is an example of the geosphere interacting with the hydrosphere

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An example of the geosphere interacting with the hydrosphere is when water flows through and erodes rock formations.

To determine which of the following options is an example of the interaction between the geosphere and the hydrosphere, we'll need to understand what each term refers to.

The geosphere refers to the solid portion of the Earth, including rocks, minerals, and land formations. It includes the Earth's crust, mantle, and core.

The hydrosphere refers to all the water on Earth, whether it is found in oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, or underground sources.

Now, let's look at the options and see which one represents an interaction between the geosphere and the hydrosphere:

a) A volcano erupting into the ocean - This option represents an interaction between the geosphere and the hydrosphere. When a volcano erupts, it releases molten rock (magma) from the Earth's interior onto the Earth's surface. If the volcano is located near an ocean, the lava will flow into the water, leading to a volcanic eruption into the ocean.

b) Rainfall causing erosion on a mountain - This option represents an interaction between the hydrosphere and the geosphere. Rainfall, which is part of the hydrosphere, falls on a mountain, causing erosion over time. However, this option does not specifically mention an interaction with the hydrosphere, so it is not the best choice.

c) Wind shaping sand dunes in a desert - This option represents an interaction between the atmosphere and the geosphere. The wind, which is part of the atmosphere, blows sand particles across the ground, shaping the sand dunes in the desert.

d) Groundwater seeping into an underground cave - This option represents an interaction between the geosphere and the hydrosphere. Groundwater, which is part of the hydrosphere, seeps through the Earth's crust and into an underground cave, representing an interaction between the geosphere and the hydrosphere.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer to your question is option a) A volcano erupting into the ocean, as it represents an example of the geosphere interacting with the hydrosphere.