Reread lines 17–18 of “A Voice.” What do the lines tell you about the speaker’s view of her mother? What word would you use to describe the mood?


To answer this question, we need to reread lines 17-18 of the poem "A Voice." However, as an AI text-based interface, I don't have access to the poem or any specific text. Nevertheless, I can provide you with a general guideline on how to analyze these lines and gain insights into the speaker's view of her mother and the mood.

1. Locate the poem: Find the poem "A Voice" either in your textbook, online, or any other sources you have. Look for lines 17-18 within the text.

2. Context: Read the lines in the context of the surrounding stanzas and the overall theme of the poem. This will help you understand the greater significance of these particular lines.

3. Interpretation: Analyze the lines to identify any clues or keywords that shed light on the speaker's view of her mother. Pay attention to the diction, imagery, and literary devices used in the lines and how they contribute to the tone and mood of the poem.

4. Understanding the speaker's view of her mother: Look for words, phrases, or descriptions in the lines that suggest the speaker's opinion of her mother. Consider whether the lines present a positive or negative view of the mother figure and how the speaker's perception is conveyed through the words.

5. Describing the mood: Based on your interpretation, identify the mood conveyed by the lines. Is it melancholic, hopeful, resentful, or something else? Consider the emotions and atmosphere evoked by the language and tone used in the lines.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze lines 17-18 of "A Voice" and gain insights into the speaker's view of her mother and understand the mood described in those lines.

The Poem is by Pat Mora

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