Which of these statements is true?

A)Rocks can only change on the earth's surface
B)Rocks can change from one type to another
C)Rocks can only change inside the earth
D)Rocks never change

The statement that is true is B) Rocks can change from one type to another.

To determine which statement is true, let's examine each option:

A) Rocks can only change on the earth's surface.
To assess the accuracy of this statement, we can consider various geological processes. Rocks can indeed undergo changes on the earth's surface due to weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposition. However, this statement is not entirely correct because rocks can also undergo changes beyond the earth's surface.

B) Rocks can change from one type to another.
This statement is often true. Rocks can undergo a transformation called the rock cycle, which involves changing from one rock type to another. Through processes like heat, pressure, and recrystallization, rocks can be modified into different types over time.

C) Rocks can only change inside the earth.
This statement overlooks the fact that rocks can be altered both inside and outside the earth. While internal processes like volcanic activity and tectonic movements can induce changes within rocks, external factors such as weathering and erosion can also modify rocks on the earth's surface.

D) Rocks never change.
This statement is false. Rocks are not static; they can experience physical and chemical changes over time. Factors like geological processes, environmental conditions, and the rock cycle contribute to rock transformations.

Based on the analysis, the statement that is most accurate is option B) "Rocks can change from one type to another."

weathering and/or heat/pressure can change rocks

B) looks good