Aaliyah walks 45 meters East, 45 meters South, and 45 meters North. What is her resultant displacement?

i think 45 meter's east


"displacement" = vector from start to finish

magnitude = 45 , direction = east
In your car you need both odometer and compass

"distance" is just a scalar, you just need the odometer and it would be 45+45+45

To find the resultant displacement for Aaliyah, we need to consider both the distance and direction of each movement. A displacement is the shortest straight-line distance between the initial and final positions, taking into account both magnitude (distance) and direction.

In this case, Aaliyah walks 45 meters East, 45 meters South, and 45 meters North. Since she walks 45 meters South and then 45 meters North, these movements cancel each other out and have no net displacement.

Therefore, the resultant displacement for Aaliyah is 45 meters East.