Solar Systems Models Quick Check

I did this and got 4 of my questions wrong so I failed 😭 but so u guys don’t here’s the ‘review answers’

1. The placement of the Sun At the center of the solar system

2. Stars are not a part of our solar system.

3. The improve telescope showed scientist that the soloist system contained comets

4. The placement of the sun at the center of the solar system.

5. Stars that form constellations
your welcome 🥲

m your sacrifice will be remembered

@m is 100% correct thank you m!!

i am ! plus if you ain't got nothing nice to say never say it and get off this website ! now !

m im sorry you failed but can you retry the assignment or not if not very sorry

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't do well on your Solar Systems Models Quick Check. However, I can help explain the correct answers to the questions you got wrong.

1. The placement of the Sun at the center of the solar system: This statement is correct. The Sun is indeed at the center of our solar system. It is a star around which all the planets, including our Earth, revolve.

2. Stars are not a part of our solar system: This statement is also correct. Stars are not considered part of our solar system. Our solar system consists of the Sun, the planets, their moons, asteroids, comets, and other smaller celestial bodies that are gravitationally bound to the Sun.

3. The improved telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained comets: This statement is incorrect. While improved telescopes have provided scientists with better tools to observe and study comets, the knowledge that the solar system contains comets predates the invention of telescopes. Comets have been observed and documented for centuries before telescopes.

4. The placement of the sun at the center of the solar system: This statement is the same as the first question and is also correct. The Sun is located at the center of our solar system.

5. Stars that form constellations: This statement is partially correct. Stars do form constellations, but constellations are not exclusive to our solar system. Constellations are patterns of stars as seen from Earth, and they can be observed in the night sky regardless of the solar system.

Hmmm you failed maybe its because you are using this website! Stop using this website and learn!

rip bozo I got it right u didn't lol haha