Cecile packages snack mix at a health food store.

She uses 13 of her supply of sunflower seeds to make a salted snack mix and 29 of her supply to make an unsalted snack mix. If Cecile uses 10 pounds of sunflower seeds, how many pounds of seeds are in her supply?

To find out how many pounds of sunflower seeds are in Cecile's supply, we can use the information given in the problem. We know that Cecile uses 13 pounds of sunflower seeds for the salted snack mix and 29 pounds for the unsalted snack mix. In total, she uses 13 + 29 = 42 pounds of sunflower seeds for both mixes.

If Cecile uses 10 pounds of sunflower seeds, we can set up a proportion to find the total amount in her supply:

10 pounds of sunflower seeds / 42 pounds of sunflower seeds = x pounds of sunflower seeds / Cecile's supply

Cross-multiplying this proportion, we get:

(10 pounds of sunflower seeds) * (Cecile's supply) = (42 pounds of sunflower seeds) * (x pounds of sunflower seeds)

Simplifying, we have:

10 * (Cecile's supply) = 42 * x

To solve for Cecile's supply (x), we divide both sides of the equation by 42:

(Cecile's supply) = (42 * x) / 10 = 4.2 * x

Therefore, if Cecile uses 10 pounds of sunflower seeds, the total amount of seeds in her supply is 4.2 times that amount.

work on typing fractions, as in 2/3 or 3/7.