Please check my answers thank you very much.

1. Abe Real Estate is developing 15 solar homes per state in 25 states. If the cost of each home is estimated at $80,000, what’s the projected cost for the entire development?

A. $60,000,000
B. $30,000,000 My answer
C. $33,000,000
D. $ 30,000

2. The price of an LG flat-screen decreased by 1/2. If the original price was $2,400, what’s the price today?

A. $1,200 My answer
B. $1,800
C. $1,000
D. $1,500

3. Subtracting 766 from 941 results in a difference of

A. 571.
B. 241.
C. 185.
D. 175. My answer

4. Select the best answer for the question.

1,200 is 55 ¼ of

A. 1,175.95
B. 2,275.95
C. 2,171.95
D. 1,771.95

5. Anika's checking account had a balance of $3,100.55 on July 1. After looking at her bank statement, she noticed an NSF for $60.50, a service charge of $12.55, and a note collected for $600. There was one deposit in transit for $400 and no checks outstanding. What's the reconciled checkbook balance?

A. $5,327.50
B. $3,527
C. $3,627.50 My answer
D. $3,267.50

6. At Costco, flat-screen television with a regular price of $1,790 was reduced by $395. Assuming 800 customers purchased the television, what were the total sales to Costco?

A. $1,161,000
B. $1,160
C. $1,116,000 My answer
D. $116,000

7. Which of the following is not a prime number?

A. 11
B. 19
C. 24 My answer
D. 5

8. What are the three types of check endorsements used to deposit check into a bank account?

A. Blank endorsement, in-person endorsement, and mobile endorsement
B. Bank endorsement, full endorsement, and individual endorsement My answer
C. Company endorsement, full endorsement, and individual endorsement
D. Business endorsement, personal endorsement, and restrictive endorsement

9. 170% converted to a fraction equals

A. 7/10.
B. 70/100
C. 1 7/10. My answer
D. 1 70/1000

10. The price of a refurbished PlayStation 4 dropped from $299.99 to $180.55. What was the percent decrease in price? (Round to the nearest hundredth percent.)

A. 39%
B. 39.81% My answer
C. 39.80%
D. 39.82%

11. Round 2,689 all the way

A. 3,000 My answer
B. 3,680
C. 2,680
D. 2,790

12. On Tuesday, Bellagio’s pizza sold 60 plain pizzas at $5 each; 20 meatball pizzas at $8 each; 25 Sicilian pizzas at $9 each: and 33 Large-Crust Supremes at $10 each. What were the total dollar sales for Bellagio’s Pizza?

A. $790
B. $1.115
C. $1,015 My answer
D. $1,511

1. B. $30,000,000 - Correct! That's a lot of solar homes.

2. A. $1,200 - Correct! That's a flat-screen deal!
3. D. 175 - Correct! The difference is 175.
4. D. 1,771.95 - Incorrect! 1,200 is not 55 1/4 of 1,771.95.
5. C. $3,627.50 - Correct! Nice job reconciling the balance.
6. C. $1,116,000 - Incorrect! That's a lot of televisions, but the total sales would be less.
7. C. 24 - Correct! 24 is not a prime number, you're sharp.
8. D. Business endorsement, personal endorsement, and restrictive endorsement - Correct! You've got the right endorsements.
9. C. 1 7/10 - Correct! You converted it to the right fraction.
10. B. 39.81% - Correct! Nice calculating that percent decrease.
11. D. 2,790 - Incorrect! We're rounding 2,689 to the nearest 100.
12. C. $1,015 - Correct! That was some tasty pizza sales. Good job!

Here are the corrections for your answers:

1. The correct answer is A. $60,000,000. To calculate the projected cost for the entire development, you need to multiply the cost of each home ($80,000) by the number of homes per state (15) and the number of states (25): $80,000 x 15 x 25 = $60,000,000.

2. The correct answer is B. $1,200. To calculate the new price after a decrease of 1/2, you need to multiply the original price ($2,400) by 1/2: $2,400 x 1/2 = $1,200.

3. The correct answer is A. 175. To subtract 766 from 941, you need to subtract the two numbers: 941 - 766 = 175.

4. The answer is D. 1,771.95. To find 55 ¼ of 1,200, you need to multiply 1,200 by 55 and then divide by 4: 1,200 x 55 / 4 = 16,500 / 4 = 4,125. Therefore, the answer is D. 1,771.95.

5. The correct answer is B. $3,527. To calculate the reconciled checkbook balance, you need to subtract the NSF fee ($60.50), service charge ($12.55), and add the note collected ($600). Then, add the deposit in transit ($400) to the starting balance ($3,100.55): $3,100.55 - $60.50 - $12.55 + $600 + $400 = $3,527.

6. The correct answer is A. $1,161,000. To calculate the total sales to Costco, you need to multiply the number of customers (800) by the reduced price of the television ($1,790 - $395 = $1,395): 800 x $1,395 = $1,116,000.

7. The correct answer is C. 24. A prime number is a number that is only divisible by 1 and itself. 24 can be divided by 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12, so it is not a prime number.

8. The correct answer is D. Business endorsement, personal endorsement, and restrictive endorsement. These are the three types of check endorsements used to deposit a check into a bank account.

9. The correct answer is C. 1 7/10. To convert 170% to a fraction, divide by 100 and simplify: 170% = 170/100 = 1 7/10.

10. The correct answer is B. 39.81%. To calculate the percent decrease in price, subtract the new price ($180.55) from the original price ($299.99), divide by the original price, and multiply by 100: ($299.99 - $180.55) / $299.99 x 100 = 39.81%.

11. The correct answer is A. 3,000. When rounding 2,689 to the nearest thousand, the digit at the hundreds place (8) is less than 5, so you round down to the nearest thousand: 2,000.

12. The correct answer is C. $1,015. To calculate the total dollar sales, you need to multiply the number of pizzas sold by their respective prices and sum them up: (60 x $5) + (20 x $8) + (25 x $9) + (33 x $10) = $300 + $160 + $225 + $330 = $1,015.

1. To find the projected cost for the entire development, you need to multiply the cost of each home by the number of homes in each state, and then multiply that by the number of states.

Cost of each home = $80,000
Number of homes per state = 15
Number of states = 25

Projected cost for the entire development = $80,000 * 15 * 25 = $30,000,000

So, the correct answer is B. $30,000,000.

2. To find the price today, you need to multiply the original price by the decrease rate, which is 1/2.

Original price = $2,400
Decrease rate = 1/2

Price today = $2,400 * (1 - 1/2) = $2,400 * 1/2 = $1,200

So, the correct answer is A. $1,200.

3. To find the difference between two numbers, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

First number = 941
Second number = 766

Difference = 941 - 766 = 175

So, the correct answer is D. 175.

4. To find 55 1/4% of a number, you need to multiply the number by the percentage in decimal form (55.25% = 0.5525).

Number = 1,200
55 1/4% in decimal form = 0.5525

55 1/4% of the number = 1,200 * 0.5525 = 663

So, none of the given options are correct.

5. To find the reconciled checkbook balance, you need to add the initial balance with the deposits and subtract the withdrawals and fees.

Initial balance = $3,100.55
NSF = $60.50
Service charge = $12.55
Note collected = $600
Deposit in transit = $400

Reconciled balance = $3,100.55 + $400 - $60.50 - $12.55 + $600 = $3,627.50

So, the correct answer is C. $3,627.50.

6. To find the total sales, you need to multiply the reduced price of each television by the number of customers who purchased it.

Reduced price of one television = $1,790 - $395 = $1,395
Number of customers = 800

Total sales = $1,395 * 800 = $1,116,000

So, the correct answer is C. $1,116,000.

7. A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself. 24 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24, so it is not a prime number.

So, the correct answer is C. 24.

8. The three types of check endorsements used to deposit a check into a bank account are:

- Blank endorsement: Signing the back of the check without adding any additional instructions.
- In-person endorsement: Depositing the check in person at the bank and signing the back in front of a bank representative.
- Mobile endorsement: Depositing the check through a mobile banking app and following the app's instructions for endorsement.

So, the correct answer is A. Blank endorsement, in-person endorsement, and mobile endorsement.

9. To convert a percent to a fraction, you divide the percent by 100 and simplify if possible.

Percent = 170%

Fraction = 170% / 100% = 170/100 = 17/10 = 1 7/10

So, the correct answer is C. 1 7/10.

10. To find the percent decrease in price, you need to calculate the difference between the original price and the new price, divide that by the original price, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Original price = $299.99
New price = $180.55

Difference = $299.99 - $180.55 = $119.44

Percent decrease = ($119.44 / $299.99) * 100 ≈ 39.81%

So, the correct answer is B. 39.81%.

11. To round a number to the nearest thousand, you look at the digit in the thousands place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up, and if it is less than 5, you round down.

Number = 2,689
Nearest thousand = 3,000

So, the correct answer is A. 3,000.

12. To calculate the total dollar sales, you need to multiply the quantity of each type of pizza by its price, and then add up the results.

Plain pizzas = 60 * $5 = $300
Meatball pizzas = 20 * $8 = $160
Sicilian pizzas = 25 * $9 = $225
Large-Crust Supremes = 33 * $10 = $330

Total dollar sales = $300 + $160 + $225 + $330 = $1,015

So, the correct answer is C. $1,015.