Angle E and Angle F are complementary. The measure of Angle E is 61 more than angle F. Find what the measure of each angle is!

61+F + F = 90

solve for F, then use that to get E.

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What is the measure of angle E

To find the measure of each angle, we need to set up an equation using the given information.

Let's assume that the measure of angle F is x degrees.

According to the given statement, angle E is 61 more than angle F. So, the measure of angle E can be represented as (x + 61) degrees.

Since Angle E and Angle F are complementary, their sum is equal to 90 degrees. So, we can set up the equation:

x + (x + 61) = 90

Now, let's solve the equation for x:

2x + 61 = 90
2x = 90 - 61
2x = 29
x = 29 / 2
x = 14.5

Therefore, the measure of Angle F is 14.5 degrees, and the measure of Angle E is 14.5 + 61 = 75.5 degrees.