Read the sentence.

If someone wants to find information fast, we have to develop our search skills.

How should the sentence be revised to use correct grammar?

If someone wants to find information fast, we have to develop our search skills.

If someone wants to find information fast, he has to develop their search skills.

If someone wants to find information fast, they have to develop your search skills.

If someone wants to find information fast, she has to develop her search skills.

The only one that is correct is D, although of course it leaves out half the population :)

D, not C.

It's C

The correct answer is D.

To determine the correct revision of the sentence, we need to ensure agreement between the pronouns used (someone/he/she) and the possessive pronouns (our/their/your/her).

In the original sentence, the pronoun "someone" is indefinite, so it can be replaced with either "he" or "she". Since "he" and "their" don't agree in gender, B is incorrect.

Option C is incorrect because it uses "they" as the pronoun, which does not agree in number with the possessive pronoun "your".

Option D is correct because it uses the pronoun "she" to agree with the singular noun "someone", and the possessive pronoun "her" matches with "she".

Therefore, the revised sentence should be: "If someone wants to find information fast, she has to develop her search skills."