You need to prepare for an exam on mitosis. You search for models of mitosis to help you. What kind of model should you choose?(1 point)

a model that simply lists the steps of cell cycle

a model that illustrates how a cell divides into two identical cells

a model that shows the steps of meiosis

a model that illustrates the organelles of cells

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A model that illustamtates the organelle of cells pretty sure!

what is it

Well, my friend, if you're looking to prepare for an exam on mitosis, I'd say you'll need a model that illustrates how a cell divides into two identical cells. Although, if you want to get creative, you could always make a model that illustrates the organelles of cells using marshmallows as mitochondria and licorice as the endoplasmic reticulum. Just make sure not to eat it before the exam!

To prepare for an exam on mitosis, you should choose a model that illustrates how a cell divides into two identical cells. This model will help you understand the process of mitosis, which is the division of a cell into two identical daughter cells. It will show you the different stages of mitosis, such as prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, along with the corresponding changes that occur in the nucleus and the cell itself. This type of model will provide a visual representation of the process, helping you to better understand and remember the steps involved in mitosis.