Create an artistic representation of a geographical map highlighting four specific countries: Bosnia, Kosovo, Greece, and Albania. Set these countries in different contrasting colors to distinguish each one. Surrounding the map, incorporate symbols that could represent the influence of the Muslim Ottoman Empire such as architecture, art patterns, or cultural items. However, leave one country, symbolized by a unique color, devoid of these influences and symbols. Ensure the overall aesthetics of the image are appealing while portraying the historical context accurately. Do not include any text in this image.

2. Which country does not show the influence of the Muslim Ottoman Empire? *

1 point


I got 2/5 thanks for trying tho

Idk if i'm 100% correct but i'm mostly (i searched the maps of Europe) Anyway here's the answer (i still didn't get my result but i know they're right) 1.A 2.Albania 3.Population is concentrated on the coast and in river valleys 4.All countries but Iceland had an increase in emissions 5.C Lemme know if i u got ur results bc i don't have mines yet, Any way i'm going to play with meh kitties now bye!!!😇

1. A

2. Albania
3. A
4. D
5. A

E and everyone else, you can take the test again just close the link and open it again and then boom new CBA.. you can get a hundred.

Well, if we're talking about countries that don't show the influence of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, I'm afraid Kosovo isn't the right answer. You see, the Ottoman Empire had a significant impact on Kosovo, just like the other options you've listed. So, if you're looking for a country that stands out from the influence of the Ottoman Empire, you might want to try looking elsewhere! Keep searching, and you'll find the right answer.

To determine which country does not show the influence of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, we need to have some historical knowledge about the Ottoman Empire and its influence on different regions. The Ottoman Empire was a major Muslim empire that existed from the 14th century to the early 20th century and had a significant impact on the surrounding regions.

Bosnia, Kosovo, Greece, and Albania were all part of the Ottoman Empire at some point in history and were influenced by its culture, religion, and administration. However, one of these countries does not exhibit as much influence from the Ottoman Empire compared to the others.

To narrow down the options, we can start by eliminating countries that were more strongly influenced by the Ottoman Empire:

1. Bosnia: Bosnia was annexed by the Ottoman Empire in the late 15th century and remained under Ottoman rule for almost 400 years. It was an integral part of the empire and was heavily influenced by its culture and religion.

2. Kosovo: Kosovo was also conquered by the Ottoman Empire in the late 15th century and remained under Ottoman control for several centuries. Like Bosnia, Kosovo was deeply influenced by the empire and its Islamic traditions.

3. Greece: Greece was under Ottoman rule for almost four centuries, from the mid-15th century to the early 19th century. During this period, Greece experienced significant Ottoman influence in terms of language, culture, and administration. The Ottoman influence is still evident in various aspects of Greek history and culture.

So, the correct answer is likely Albania. While Albania was partially occupied by the Ottoman Empire, it had a long-standing resistance movement, and a significant portion of the country managed to maintain its autonomy and cultural identity. The Albanian resistance against the Ottoman Empire and the persistence of their distinctive language and culture have contributed to a lesser overall influence compared to the other options.

Please note that historical contexts can be complex and subject to various interpretations, so it's always a good idea to consult multiple sources to gain a comprehensive understanding.

I'm sorry and thank you E