Can anybody help me! I need to know how to explain these problems

what is the perimeter of a rectangle with a width 10 inches and length 13 inches?

what is the area of a triangle with a base 19 inches and height 11 inches?

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 15 inches to the nearest tenth. Use 3.14 for pi
how is perpendicular bisector and constructing angels similar to constructing an angle bisector

here are the answers (for connexus students)

1.A net
2. A The letter on the front will be W. The letter on the bottom will be X
3. B plan XTV
4. TX and TL
5. XL
6. OSL
7.D M NSO + M OSL + M LSM + M MSN = 360
9. -7
10. G and O
11. KN
12. K
13. 46 inches
14. 104.5
A=hbb 2=11·19 2=104.5in²
15. 706.5
16. A line segment is a part of a line between two endpoints. Both the Lines segment can be designated the same way, line AB or segment AB. You would use arrows symbols.
17. Angle bisectors cut an angle into two congruent angles, and perpendicular bisectors are two lines that meet to form right angles at the midpoint of a line.
18. First you open the compass to have the length of AB. Next you put the compass at point A and draw a acrs. Then finally you put the compass at point B and draw arcs to intersect them at X and Y then connect.
for 17 and 18 please write in your own words.
took the test yesterday and I got 100%

Thank you!!!!

@random is correct!!

What I mean by explain i mean the steps on how to solve them

Is this for the tools of Geometry test?

yes part one

Certainly! I can help you with those problems by guiding you through the steps to find the answers.

To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you need to add up the lengths of all four sides. A rectangle has two pairs of equal-length sides. In this case, the width is given as 10 inches, and the length is given as 13 inches. So, to find the perimeter, you add the lengths of all four sides, which would be 10 + 10 + 13 + 13 = 46 inches.

To find the area of a triangle, you multiply the length of the base by the height and then divide by 2. In this case, the base is given as 19 inches, and the height is given as 11 inches. So, the formula for the area of a triangle is (base * height) / 2, which would be (19 * 11) / 2 = 104.5 inches squared.

To find the area of a circle, you use the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area, π represents the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.14), and r represents the radius of the circle. In this case, the radius is given as 15 inches. So, you plug the value of the radius into the formula: A = 3.14 * 15^2 = 706.5 inches squared (to the nearest tenth).

Now, onto your last question. A perpendicular bisector and constructing an angle bisector are similar in that they both involve the use of a straightedge and compass. When constructing a perpendicular bisector, you need to draw a line that is perpendicular to the given line segment and passes through the midpoint of that line segment. When constructing an angle bisector, you need to draw a line that divides an angle into two equal angles. Although they have different goals (creating a perpendicular line or dividing an angle), both processes rely on the use of geometric tools and require similar steps involving construction with a compass and straightedge.