Based on your knowledge of the root "audi," which phrase describes an auditory signal?

1 D-the history of a word

2 D-etymological patterns
3 C-they relate to air
4 A-a signal that is heard

100% Hope This helps :)

it means hear. the answer is a signal that is heard

The root "audi" is derived from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear" or "to listen." When we see this root in a word, it typically relates to hearing or sound. An example phrase that describes an auditory signal would be "auditory alarm." Now, let's break down how to get to this answer:

1. Start by identifying the root "audi."
2. Next, think about words that are related to hearing or sound.
3. Consider phrases that use the word "auditory," which means relating to hearing or the sense of hearing.
4. Combine the root "audi" and the word "auditory" to get the phrase "auditory signal."

By following these steps, we can determine that "auditory signal" is a phrase that describes an auditory (sound-related) signal.