There are 620 mangoes In a basket. If 45of them are rotten and thrown away, calculate the percentage decrease in the number of oranges

In other to increase sales, the price of a mobile phone was reduced from #5250 to #3850 what is the percentage decrease? Pls help me out

100 * 45/620 = 7.26 %

100 * (5250-3850) / 5250 = 26.7%

To calculate the percentage decrease in the number of mangoes, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the initial number of mangoes.
The initial number of mangoes is 620.

Step 2: Find the final number of mangoes.
After throwing away 45 rotten mangoes, the final number of mangoes is 620 - 45 = 575.

Step 3: Calculate the decrease in the number of mangoes.
The decrease in the number of mangoes is 620 - 575 = 45.

Step 4: Calculate the percentage decrease.
The percentage decrease can be calculated using the formula:
Percentage Decrease = (Decrease ÷ Initial Number) × 100

Substituting the values into the formula:
Percentage Decrease = (45 ÷ 620) × 100 ≈ 7.26%

Therefore, the percentage decrease in the number of mangoes is approximately 7.26%.

To calculate the percentage decrease in the number of mangoes, we need to find the difference between the initial number of mangoes and the final number of mangoes after the rotten ones are thrown away.

Initial number of mangoes = 620
Number of rotten mangoes thrown away = 45

Final number of mangoes = Initial number of mangoes - Number of rotten mangoes thrown away
= 620 - 45
= 575

Now, to calculate the percentage decrease, we can use the following formula:

Percentage decrease = (Decrease in quantity / Initial quantity) * 100

Decrease in quantity = Initial quantity - Final quantity
= 620 - 575
= 45

Percentage decrease = (45 / 620) * 100
≈ 7.26%

Therefore, the percentage decrease in the number of mangoes is approximately 7.26%.