what was one strength of the articles of confederation

It joined the states together so they could present a united front to outside interference.

One strength of the Articles of Confederation was that it provided for a decentralized form of government. This means that power was distributed among the states, allowing them to govern themselves to a certain extent. Under the Articles, each state had its own government and could make its own laws, which gave them a sense of autonomy. This was seen as a positive aspect by those who believed in states' rights and wanted to prevent a strong central government from becoming too powerful.

One of the strengths of the Articles of Confederation was the fact that it established a framework for governance during a tumultuous time after the American Revolutionary War. However, it is important to note that while there were some strengths, the weaknesses of the Articles outweighed these strengths.

To get more information about the strengths of the Articles of Confederation, you can consult various sources such as history textbooks, scholarly articles, or reliable online resources. Here are a few steps you can take to find information:

1. Start by searching for credible sources: Look for academic sources, reputable websites, or books on American history that discuss the Articles of Confederation.

2. Use keywords: When searching, try using keywords such as "strengths of the Articles of Confederation," "positive aspects of the Articles of Confederation," or "pros of the Articles of Confederation." This will help refine your search results to focus on the strengths specifically.

3. Review multiple sources: It's important to consult multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic. This will allow you to see different perspectives and gather a balanced view of the strengths of the Articles of Confederation.

Once you have gathered the information from your research, you can then summarize and provide an answer based on the credible sources. Remember to attribute any specific strengths you mention to the sources from which they were derived.