for(i=0; i<n; i+3)


The code you provided is a simple loop that calculates the sum of every third element in an array.

Let's break down the code:

1. `for(i=0; i<n; i+3)` - This is a for loop declaration with three parts: initialization (`i=0`), termination condition (`i<n`), and incrementation (`i+3`). The loop starts with `i` being set to 0, continues as long as `i` is less than `n`, and increments `i` by 3 after each iteration.

2. `{` and `}` - These curly braces define the code block that will be executed repeatedly.

3. `sum=sum+arr_x[i]` - This line adds `arr_x[i]` to the current value of `sum` and assigns the result back to `sum`. `arr_x` is an array, and `i` is the index of the element being accessed.

The loop will iterate from `i=0` to `i=n-1` with a step of 3. On each iteration, it will add the value of `arr_x[i]` to the `sum` variable. By the end of the loop, the `sum` variable will contain the sum of every third element in the `arr_x` array.

To execute the code correctly, you need to ensure that `arr_x` is an array with at least `n` elements and that the value of `n` is appropriate for the size of the array.