I think of a number and add 6.the result is equal to twice the first number. What is the first number?

Good this is use ful.

x+6 = 2x

solve for x

Let's call the first number "x". According to the given information, if you add 6 to this number, the result is equal to twice the first number.

So, the equation can be written as: x + 6 = 2x

To find the value of x, we need to solve this equation step-by-step:

1. Subtract x from both sides of the equation:
x + 6 - x = 2x - x

2. Simplify both sides of the equation:
6 = x

So, the first number (x) is 6.

To find the first number, we can set up an equation based on the given information. Let's assume the first number is represented by 'x'.

According to the given information: "I think of a number and add 6. The result is equal to twice the first number."

The equation can be formed as follows:
x + 6 = 2x

To solve the equation, we need to isolate 'x' on one side.

Subtracting 'x' from both sides of the equation:
x + 6 - x = 2x - x
6 = x

Therefore, the first number is 6.