What’s the theme of the poem “midnight” by Sara

Too vague.

Any other words besides "midnight" in the title?
Sara who??

Read about "theme" here:

In order to provide a step-by-step analysis of the theme of the poem "Midnight" by Sara, I would need the full text of the poem.

To determine the theme of a poem, you can start by analyzing the text itself and identifying the recurring ideas, emotions, or messages expressed by the poet. However, as the specific title and author of the poem are not provided, I am unable to provide an accurate analysis of the poem "Midnight" by Sara.

To determine the theme of a poem, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and analyze the poem: Read the poem carefully, paying attention to the language, imagery, metaphorical expressions, and the poet's choice of words.

2. Identify the main subject: Determine what the poem is primarily about. Consider the central idea or topic explored by the poet.

3. Look for recurring motifs and symbols: Pay attention to any repeated images, symbols, or metaphors used in the poem. These can often provide clues about the underlying theme.

4. Analyze the tone and mood: Consider the emotions evoked by the poem. The tone and mood can give you insight into the poet's intent and perspective, contributing to the overall theme.

5. Consider the poet's historical context and background: Understand the cultural, historical, and personal context in which the poem was written. This context can shape the poet's perspective and shed light on potential themes.

By following these steps, you can begin to analyze the poem and form your own interpretation of its theme. Remember that poetry is open to various interpretations, so there might be different valid themes depending on the reader's perspective.