Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Write and solve an algebraic equation for the situation.
Eight and one-half years ago, Steven was 7 years old. How old is he now?

Can someone answer this as well?

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.
Joseph had 7 1/4 ounces of candy to share with his friends. He gave them
2 4/5 ounces of candy when they came over to play video games. How many ounces of candy does Joseph have left?

First questionš

x = present age

Eight and one-half years ago, Steven was 7 years old means:

x - 8.5 = 7

x = 7 + 8.5 = 15.5

Now he is 15.5 years old.

Second question

x = ounces left

x = 7 1/4 - 2 4/5 = 7 + 1/ 4 - ( 2 + 4 / 5 ) =

7 + 5 • 1 / 5 • 4 - ( 2 + 4 • 4 / 4 • 5 ) =

7 + 5 / 20 - ( 2 + 16 / 20 ) =

140 / 20 + 5 / 20 - ( 40 / 20 + 16 / 20 ) =

145 / 20 - 56 / 20 = 89 / 20

You can write results as:

x = 80 / 20 + 9 / 20 = 4 9/20

Let's start by setting up an equation to represent the given situation.

Let S be Steven's current age.

According to the problem, eight and one-half years ago, Steven was 7 years old. This means that his age has increased by 8.5 years since then.

So, we can write the equation:

S - 8.5 = 7

To find Steven's current age, we can solve this equation.

Adding 8.5 to both sides to isolate S, we have:

S - 8.5 + 8.5 = 7 + 8.5

S = 15.5

Therefore, Steven is currently 15.5 years old.

To solve this problem, we need to write an algebraic equation that represents the relationship between Steven's age eight and a half years ago and his current age.

Let's assume that Steven's current age is represented by the variable x.

Eight and a half years ago, Steven's age would be x - 8.5.

According to the problem, when Steven was 8 and a half years younger, he was 7 years old. So we can set up the equation:

x - 8.5 = 7

Now, we can solve for x.

First, we add 8.5 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable x:

x - 8.5 + 8.5 = 7 + 8.5

This simplifies to:

x = 15.5

Therefore, Steven is now 15.5 years old.