Write a pseudocode algorithm that will accept age and name of two sisters. Display the age and name of the younger sister

To write a pseudocode algorithm that accepts the age and name of two sisters and displays the age and name of the younger sister, follow these steps:

1. Prompt the user to input the age and name of the first sister.
2. Store the age and name of the first sister in variables (e.g., age1 and name1).
3. Prompt the user to input the age and name of the second sister.
4. Store the age and name of the second sister in variables (e.g., age2 and name2).
5. Compare the ages of the two sisters using an if statement.
6. If age1 is less than age2, then:
- Display "The younger sister is " + name1 + " aged " + age1.
7. Otherwise, if age2 is less than age1, then:
- Display "The younger sister is " + name2 + " aged " + age2.
8. If age1 and age2 are equal, then:
- Display "Both sisters are of the same age."

Below is the pseudocode algorithm:

Prompt "Enter the age and name of the first sister: "
Input age1, name1

Prompt "Enter the age and name of the second sister: "
Input age2, name2

If age1 < age2 Then
Display "The younger sister is " + name1 + " aged " + age1
Else If age2 < age1 Then
Display "The younger sister is " + name2 + " aged " + age2
Display "Both sisters are of the same age."
End If

Note: Pseudocode is an informal way of describing a program's logic using plain English and structured formatting. The syntax may vary, and you can adapt it to your programming language of choice.