How many ways can you make change for 60 cents (60¢), using only quarters (25¢ coins), dimes (10¢ coins), and nickels (5¢ coins)?

Well, let's see. To make change for 60 cents, you can start by using 2 quarters, which would be 50 cents. Then, you have 10 cents left to go. You can use 1 dime and 1 nickel to make that 10 cents.

Another way is to use 1 quarter, which is 25 cents, and then use 3 dimes and 5 nickels, which adds up to 35 cents. That leaves you with 25 cents remaining, and you can use 1 dime and 2 nickels to complete the 60 cents.

So, there are at least two ways to make change for 60 cents using only quarters, dimes, and nickels. Keep in mind that you can always shuffle the coins around and come up with different combinations. It's like a little puzzle!

To find the number of ways to make change for 60 cents using quarters, dimes, and nickels, we can use a combination of brute force and a dynamic programming approach.

1. Start by considering the quarters (25¢). Since quarters are the largest coin denomination available, there can be at most three quarters in any combination. Iterate through all possible numbers of quarters from 0 to 3.

2. For each number of quarters, calculate the remaining amount (called remainder) by subtracting the total value of quarters used from 60 cents. For instance, if you have used 2 quarters so far, the remainder will be 60 - (2 * 25) = 10 cents.

3. Now, consider the dimes (10¢). Iterate through all possible numbers of dimes from 0 to the maximum number that can be accommodated without exceeding the remainder calculated in the previous step.

4. Again, calculate the new remainder value by subtracting the total dimes value from the previous remainder. If the remainder is less than 0, go back to step 1 and increase the number of quarters.

5. Finally, for every combination of quarters and dimes, the remaining value can be represented using nickels (5¢). Calculate the number of nickels required, taking into account the value of remaining cents and the coin denominations already used.

6. Keep a count of all valid combinations found in the previous steps.

By following these steps, you can calculate the number of ways to make change for 60 cents using quarters, dimes, and nickels.

Note: This approach can be further optimized using memoization or dynamic programming techniques to avoid redundant calculations.