las chicas son altas noun-adjective agreement

In Spanish, it is important to have agreement between nouns and adjectives. This means that the adjective must match the noun in gender and number.

In the given example, "las chicas" is the noun which means "the girls." "Chicas" is a feminine noun, so any adjective that describes them must also be in the feminine form.

The adjective "altas" modifies the noun "chicas" and agrees with it in both gender and number. Since "chicas" is plural, the adjective "altas" also needs to be in the plural form.

Here is the breakdown of the agreement:

- "Las chicas" (feminine plural noun)
- "Altas" (feminine plural adjective)

To ensure agreement between the nouns and adjectives, if the noun is feminine and singular, the adjective must also be feminine and singular. If the noun is feminine and plural, the adjective must be feminine and plural. The same rule applies for masculine nouns and adjectives.