Write a structured algorithm to prompt the user to imput the mark a student received in a test.if the mark is less than 60,output word 'Fail',otherwise put the word 'pass'.

Sure! Here's a structured algorithm to prompt the user to input the mark a student received in a test and output whether the student passed or failed.

1. Prompt the user to enter the student's test mark.
2. Read and store the input mark as a variable, let's call it `mark`.
3. If `mark` is less than 60, then:
3.1. Output "Fail" to indicate that the student has failed.
4. Otherwise, if `mark` is greater than or equal to 60, then:
4.1. Output "Pass" to indicate that the student has passed.
5. End the algorithm.

This algorithm follows a simple if-else logic. It prompts the user for input, reads and saves it, then checks if the mark is less than 60. Based on the result, it either outputs "Fail" or "Pass".