What obstacles and challenges did Marie Curie face?

Marie Curie faced several obstacles and challenges throughout her life, particularly in a time when women were not widely accepted in the fields of science and academia. Some of the obstacles she encountered include:

1. Gender discrimination: During her time, women were often not given the same opportunities as men in higher education and professional settings. Curie had to overcome societal attitudes and prejudices to pursue her scientific career.

2. Limited educational opportunities: Curie's native country of Poland did not allow women to attend university at the time. She had to move to Paris, France, to further her education.

3. Financial constraints: Curie faced financial difficulties while studying in Paris. To support herself, she often relied on scholarships and worked as a governess. She also lived in poverty for some time.

4. Lack of laboratory facilities: In her early research, Curie faced the challenge of limited access to well-equipped laboratories. She had to improvise and set up personal makeshift laboratories in her home.

5. Personal loss and tragedy: Curie experienced personal tragedies, including the death of her mother, sister, and husband. These emotional challenges impacted her work and personal life.

Despite these obstacles, Curie's determination, intellect, and groundbreaking scientific contributions in the fields of physics and chemistry earned her immense recognition and two Nobel Prizes.

Mama am a criminal

For one thing she was a female and females have had a hard time breaking into the sciences. You can Google her and read to find much greater details to answer this question fully.

Her mother died when she was 11.