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Read the excerpt from Team Moon.

The heavier the spacecraft, the harder it is to launch. And fuel is heavy. So it was critical to pinpoint the fuel needed, add a cushion, then take no more than necessary. But now, because the landing was taking far longer than planned, the fuel was almost gone. Mission Control wanted Neil to take as much time as he needed and fly the LM as near empty as possible only because they wanted him to make the landing. But if he ran out of fuel above the surface, in all likelihood the LM would crash onto the moon. So they were trying to time it to the last possible second before calling an abort—calling off the landing.

Why does the author use a problem-solution text structure in the paragraph?

The author uses a problem-solution text structure in the paragraph to present a problem, which is the limited amount of fuel, and then explain the solutions that were considered to address this problem. The problem is introduced by focusing on the challenge of launching a heavier spacecraft and the weight of fuel. The solutions are then presented, which involve pinpointing the amount of fuel needed, adding a cushion, and taking no more than necessary. The potential consequences of running out of fuel are also discussed, which leads to the solution of timing the landing to the last possible second before calling off the mission. By using this structure, the author effectively highlights the challenge faced by the astronauts and the thought processes involved in addressing the problem.